California And Florida And The United States: The Strawberry Industry

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Introduction: The garden strawberry or Simply strawberry is a widely grown hybrid Species of genus Fragaria, collectively known as Strawberries. California & Florida are the top two strawberry producing states within the U.S., According to the NASS, 2015 statistics California producing over 81 percent of the entire strawberry crop in U.S. Where Florida, produces majority of the domestic winter strawberry crop according to the Florida Strawberry Growers Association, 2014. Over the last two decades, the U.S. strawberry industry has experienced in rising drift for each person consumption. This is due to multiple reasons: • Now a days Consumers are having more consciousness towards the importance of eating strawberries to continue a healthy diet. …show more content…

California is the nation’s leading producer producing close to Eighty one percent of the United States strawberry crop. Florida is the second largest strawberry producing state and supplies approximately fifteen percent of the nation’s supply. The third largest strawberry producing state is Oregon, it provides between two and five percent of the nation’s strawberries. Other contributing states include: New York, Michigan, Washington, Louisiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Arkansas. Strawberries grow in every state in the United States and are specifically bred for the region in which they grow. Strawberries grow best in moisture retaining soil or when irrigated frequently, they have low fertilizer requirements, and the plants are kept for one to four years before being replaced. The quality, flavor and vitamin content of the berries depend upon the climate where they are …show more content…

The perfect temperature for strawberry growing is 50°F to 70°F, those temperatures let strawberries to develop strong roots and take up nutrients essential to produce loads of flowers and fruit. Controlled Atmosphere storage- Strawberries will stay fresh for three days in normal cooling, but after that they go downhill fast. Strawberries were stored for 4 days at 2 degrees Centigrade, followed by 2 days at 10 degrees Centigrade and by 2 days at 18 degrees centigrade. These conditions pretend reasonable period of distribution, transport and retail sale. Labor Costs- Hired labor yields the strawberries three times and is paid $0.50 for each pound. The picking labor cost to crop 13,000 pounds of strawberries is $6,500 per acre. Elasticity Estimates: Decrease/ Increase in price of any other fruits should not impact on purchase of Strawberries. Conclusion: The upcoming situation of the United States strawberry industry is promising due to gradual increase in production & consumption of strawberries day by day. However, there are two difficulties that the industry needs to overcome to continue successful production and maintain a positive social