California Child Support Services Strategic Analysis

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Analysis and Evaluation The Strategic Plan 2015-2019 for California Department of Child Support Services (see attachment 1) emphasizes, “excellent and consistent customer service statewide, through strengthening existing partnerships and building bridges to new collaborations within government and external stakeholders” ( The emphasis is to develop a statewide Centers of Excellence in training program that will have DCSS specialize in training for certain components of the Child support program.
Public sector reform in developing transitional organizations is using a decentralized recruitment process. The human resource department is responsible for recruiting after posting the job listing for CSSD employees with basic requirements. Today California’s Civil Service Act “created civil service commission to ensure competence, equal opportunity and political neutrality” (Crosio, MAP 643 class lecture). The “Civil service/Merit system legally established set of procedures to implement the merit principle” (Crosio, MAP 643 class lecture). This allowed employers to hire employees with the best skill set. The public sector recruitment process can be lengthy and tedious in the search for top talent. The pros and cons are debatable but …show more content…

It is a training method, which enlists the assistance, and knowledge of veteran employees and through various systematic measures allows those employees provide pivotal information regarding the actual job functions, tried and true ways to accomplish organizational objectives, and lessons learned by experience. This method accumulates the information provided by those employees and uses it to create, identify, provide, and implement information for the purpose of promoting intelligent behavior as well as efficient and effective decision making to assist the organization in accomplishing their