
Can Social Networking Be Used To Endanger Love Ones?

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Is using Social Media or Networking can it be used to endanger your love ones? Social Networking is the uses of any dedicated website and applications to interact with other user or to find people with similar interests to oneself. This issues is very important cause it can lead to some one posting thing that are very bad such as picture that no one should not see it can also lead to cyberbullying which is an issue needs to be put to rest. There are different laws for every state, but in our lovely state the law is if you are caught doing anything with an underage child you are but in jail and processed as for cyberbullying if you are caught on bullying online then some parents have been known to call the police if they were to find out they …show more content…

Networking Chasing is when people are looking for the next hot website like facebook or instagram things like there is over 45%of the people that me and some of my friends interview people and they are waiting for the news hot website to come out they said there over facebook and all the other stuff, but Hyper Texting is when you can't put your phone down for nothing there is 55% of people that do this every day they hate and. i mean they will not put the phone down for nothing that they have to text every person that text them they have to text back. So what i'm saying is bad things can happen where your on your cell phone and you can really hurt someone it's not like you can't be on it just you have to know when to put it down. Know when to give it a break some it may hurt to but i know that in the end you will feel better cause without your phone every thing seem more boring but it's not it's where you get to interact with other you will feel good talking to people.Texting while driving is seen dangerous form of multitasking for teenagers and hyper texting is defined as texting 120 or more messages a day and texting and other form of staying connected are not monitored by adults there could be adverse health effect. So my Thesis was can social networking hurt the ones you love my main point hurting people you love can it answer that in your can it hurt them Can you hurt your loved one with social media hurt harm them in way where they can not forgive you. As in still some thing from store and taking it to your mommy feeling guilt she feels like heart breaking than you would do something like that. When you post picture that are not lady or men like pictures that are for no one ever to see that can hurt family it can make them disown

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