
Can The NHS Achieve The Five-Year-Forward Report

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Can the implementation of electronic vital sign recording systems (EVSRS) help the NHS achieve the 5 Year Forward View? INTRODUCTION The NHS was founded on 5th of July 1948, under the vision laid out by Aneurin Bevan, in his 1942 report, of a system that provides compulsory social insurance 'from cradle to grave'1. The initial aim set out for the NHS was the delivery of comprehensive healthcare while being free at the point of use, thus allowing treatment to be based solely on clinical need2. Seventy years onward, those initial aims are still the guiding principles, however they are under increasing threat as a result of the systemic financial problems. These financial struggles can be tracked right back to the inception of the NHS, where, in 1952, charges were introduced for prescriptions and dental treatment in response to unforeseen accumulating expenses3. The NHS expenditure has escalated from £437m in 1948 (currently £15bn, accounting for inflation) to £140.6bn in 2015/16, which represents approximately a 10-fold increase4. The problem lies in the fact that the exponentially increasing expenditure is not being matched by the budget being generated through taxation. In 2013/14, NHS England predicated the financial gap would reach …show more content…

Unlike previous programmes, this doesn't lay out a definite blueprint for the future rather it suggests seven possible models that could be implemented to improve the efficiency of the NHS. Through the suggested models, the plan's projection is to make a net efficiency gain of 2-3% every year from 2015/16 to 2020/215. Something that is crucial if the NHS aims to avoid privatization or major cuts in the standard of care. However, the plan seems optimistic given that the savings between 2004/05 to 2011/12 has been estimated at ~1.5% per

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