Canada By Evan Annet Analysis

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Annett, Evan. “What has the Trump era meant for Canada? A guide to what's happened so far.”
The Globe and Mail, The Globe and Mail, 10 Oct. 2016,

This article, written by Evan Annet outlines the clear differences between American and Canadian culture, politics and moral values. The Annet argues and presses the point that the differences are not necessarily good for either country. In terms of morals, Annet disputes that Donald Trump's lack of environmental responsibility will not only harm the United States, but their northern neighbors, Canada. This article shows the ways in which Canada holds …show more content…

This article highlights things such as; race and religion acceptance, foreign policy, environmental standards and politics. In conclusion, this article shows that social culture is not the only thing at stake when it comes to america dominating canada, but our environment and overall morals are as well.

Canada: A People’s History. “Cultural Invasion.” CBC Radio Canada, n.d.,

In this article written and published by CBC, it discusses and explains the emergence of american culture into the canadian society. The article discusses the links between the new era of television in the 1950’s and american pop-culture within a canadian setting. The article references Elvis Presley, Walt-Disney and junk food commercials such as coca cola, and chocolate bars as the first glimpse of widespread american culture that canadians see. The article discuss the magic that american pop culture presented and how it wooed many canadians into believing in the all american dream.
This article is a key component in my paper as it outlines the origins of american pop-culture's influence on …show more content…

Although this article does not really discuss the american influence on Canada, it mentions how by canada joining prestigious organizations, they become “more americain.” The fact that this article discusses Canada becoming “more american” is what interest me and is what I am going to use for my own paper. I am going to discuss how countries relate Canada's distinctiveness to Canada becoming more like the United States. This article also discusses how Canada's decision to join to OAS was expected, but also considered a revolution as they were convinced by the Americas to join, or more so, convinced by the United States.

Eagles, Munroe, and Nik Nanos. "Stronger Together? Support for Political Cooperation in
Canada and the United States, 2005-2016." PS, Political Science & Politics 50.3 (2017): 735-40. ProQuest. Web. 17 Oct. 2017.