
Canadian Business Style Study Guide

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1. Canadian Business Style (10%)

The values of Canada are largely respect, peace.

a) Canada is a country that have two official languages: English and French. That is why it is important to use both of them at the meetings. An interpreter might be required.

b) Handshake is the usual thing that people use on the first meeting in business industry. Both genders greet each other with a handshake.
c) Canadian are punctual people. However, for an evening events it is fine to come 15 min late, but not later than 40 min. And another thing that should be done is business card with both languages: French and English.

d) Talking about dress code, it should be mentioned that business people in Canada are conservative, well-dressed appearance is …show more content…

Femininity means sexuality equality, environmental awareness, and more fluid gender roles.

b) In Singapore women do hold authority positions in business. The same situation is with Canada.

c) This theory is a similarity for both.

THEORY 3 (10%): Individualism/Collectivism
a) Individualism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs to him or her and that he or she has an inalienable right to live it as he sees fit, to act on his own judgment, to keep and use the product of his effort, and to pursue the values of his choosing. According to collectivism, the group or society is the main unit of moral, and the individual is of value only if he or she a part of group.

b) Canada is a country of freedom, people are more individual in there. However, in Singapore, people prefer to be a part of the group.

c) It could be one of the cause of the unsuccessful meeting.
THEORY 4 (10%): Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation
a) Long-term orientation is when the person is focused on the future. Short-term orientation is when the person is focused on the present or past and consider them more important than the …show more content…

THEORY 5 (10%): Uncertainty Avoidance
a) Uncertainty avoidance represents the extent to which people can take risks and uncertainty in their lives, the society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. In society with high level of uncertainty avoidance, people often set up organizations to minimize risk and ensure financial security.

b) Canada and Singapore are both focused on accepting of uncertainty. Accepting of innovation development, new ideas and freedom of expression.

c) That theory could be one of the similarities, which could help to make dinner successful and even help them to exchange innovations with each other.

THEORY 6 (10%): High/Low context communication
a) The terms "high context" and "low context" are used to describe cultural differences between societies. High context means groups where people have close connections for a long period of time. Low context means societies where people have connections with others for a short period of time.
b) Canadians usually have low context communication, while Singaporeans prefer high context communication.
c) That could be one of the cause of the unsuccessful

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