Capitalism And Global Ecological Crisis

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Our planet has now passed into a new era of periodization: the Anthropocene ( a chronlogy that began when human activities started). Some of the main issues that we are now facing is an environmental crisis. In two centuries, Earth has now leaned into a state which was unknown millions of years ago and is completely new. Mankind from as early as the beginning of time has always looked for ways to benefit itself and that to, most often, at the expense of others. We being humans often become selfish and self centered when it comes to making a profit and do not see the long term effects our actions may have , harmful ones especially, on the external environment. Therefore in this paper we will discuss the relationship that is present …show more content…

Capitalism can simply be described as being a system of economics which is based on the private ownership of capital (assets) and production inputs and also on the production of goods and services for profit. This production of goods and services is mainly based on the supply and demand in the general market ( market economy). It can also be characterized by competition that is between the producers of the goods and services. Capitalism is seen as a social system which is based on the principle of individual rights and politically is the system of laissiz-faire ( freedom) and when such freedom is applied then result is a free market ( a market economy which is based on the supply and demand and is not controlled by the government). Now that an understanding has been created on Capitalism let us now see what is meant by the ‘Global Ecological Crisis’ that is faced nowadays. But what is an Ecological Crisis firstly? For that we must first understand what is Ecology, it is in simple worlds the environment/ surroundings in which we live and require for the survival of us humans and other species that inhabit the …show more content…

It, what some might say the enemy of the ecology requires constant growth: “expand or die” are its watchwords. The only way that is considered successful is dependent on the amount of capital that is accumulated. Forests and entire ecosystems have been demolished and nature is treated as a sewer for the disposal of the industrial waste produced by the capitalist. Capitalism can be seen as the angel of death, a death for all ecosystems. Capitalism continuously pushes on and on in an never-ending quest for more and more production, profit and accumulation on a bigger and better