Career Development Reflection

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3. Critical reflection on the process of skills development you experienced (30 marks)

Critical reflection - Definition and benefits, my personal opinion:

Reflection in learning leads to moral, personal, psychological, emotional and cognitive growth of an individual. The learning and teaching activities without reflection can end up with only surface learning, but not deep learning.
Reflection on action:
"The process of creating and clarifying the meanings of experiences in terms of self in relation to both self and world. The outcome of this process is changed conceptual perspectives" (Boyd and Fales, 1983 pp101) Branch & Paranjape, 2002, p. 1187
Reflection in action:
"To think about what one is doing whilst one is doing it; it is typically …show more content…

Learning how to communicate to your supervisor that you are open to and desire development experiences is important to getting the opportunity to develop your career skills.
Show openness by being receptive to new ideas and suggestions, by admitting to your need for improvement, and by actively seeking your direct supervisor/manager 's feedback. Keep in mind that the end goal is your career development, not the coaching process itself. Even if it 's difficult to hear constructive criticism in the short run, if it helps to create development experiences for you it will help your career development as a whole.
10 Steps to More Effective Developmental Experiences
1. Take the initiative to look for ways that you can learn new skills through experiences that also help your supervisor/manager, team, unit, or department achieve its goals.
2. Set up meetings with your supervisor/manager to discuss your proposed development experiences and get buy-in for proceeding.
3. Create a development plan with your supervisor/manager to track your progress.
4. As your development experience is progressing, update your plan to mark accomplishments and learning acquired.
5. Set up regular check-in meetings with your …show more content…

Overall the learning and development process was very well in college and workplace and i am pleased with this however I still feel and desire to improve my skill and I will work regularly to maintain the level. Moreover learning and development is thing which never ends, person can learn throughout life time. This course at UOW and my workplace provided me a platform and made a foundation for my l and for my future life.
Interactions at work can be a source of higher skills development through learning while working. They can also signal when individuals or organisations need additional learning. What is required for a professional to become more aware of the perspectives of other professionals and to forge new interactive ways of working will vary according to the individual, organisation and context. Skills development must address deep-seated issues of awareness and understanding. It involves work on professional identity which takes account of an individual’s personal, occupational and their organisational identity.
Critical reflection provides students with the opportunity to examine and question their beliefs, opinions, and values. It involves observation, asking questions, and putting facts,