
Carelessness In The Great Gatsby Analysis

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"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made." This quote by Nick shows the relationship between Tom and Daisy throughout the entire book. Also how their problems dramatically impacted the lives of others. How they were not just creating their own messes, but messes for those around them to fix. Also how they managed to escape with no consequences. Tom and Daisy seemed to be truly careless and insensitive people. Throughout the book they have created many conflicts. For Daisy conflicts started the minute she met Gatsby and Tom. Daisy seemed to …show more content…

All of this eventually lead to the main proof of recklessness and carelessness shown by them in the story. When Tom finds out Daisy has been with Gatsby he decides to confront him. Gatsby tells Tom his wife doesn 't love him and never did. Tom asks Daisy about it but she doesn 't quite admit it. A few days have passed and everything starts to unfold even more. Myrtle got into an argument with her husband and was afraid he was trying to take her away from everyone. She saw Tom 's previous car driving down the road and ran out into the street to try and flag him down. However, it wasn 't Tom in the car it was Daisy and Gatsby. Daisy saw Myrtle walking into the road and struck her with the car. Gatsby becomes aware of what just happened and decides to take the blame for Daisy. He is willing to say he was the one driving. This relates back to what Nick said earlier “and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” Nick, Tom, and Jordan arrive at the scene shortly. Tom pulls over to investigate. He is surprised to find Myrtle 's body lying on a worktable. Tom learns the car that struck Myrtle matches Gatsby 's description. Tom already upset with Gatsby is now furious. Tom convinces Myrtle 's husband George Wilson that Gatsby is responsible for her death. George Wilson then drives over to Gatsby 's house and shoots him while he is on his raft. He then proceeded to shoot himself. With Gatsby, Myrtle, and George dead Tom and Daisy decide it is time for them to leave. Only a

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