Summary: The Influence Of Advertising In Italy

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The influences of television, advertising, and music have brought forth development and transformation in the everyday life, habits, and behavior within Italy. Since its beginning in 1954, television has shaped and molded popular culture; in the 1980s advertising proposed a new lifestyle for a generation and music provided the ever changing sound track for youngsters and adults. The idea of advertising a product on TV was so new to Italy that advertisements were extremely innovative and creative in order to attract the everyday consumer (including kids). Towards the end of 1950’s, Carosello style of advertisement flourished within Italy for more than two decades. We are going to narrate the impact of the Carosello style advertisement that renovated commercials within Italy. In 1954, when television made its debut it only had one list channel, which was controlled by the national state-regulated corporation RAI. In February 1957, the Carosello advertisements began debuting in Italian television. The show was broadcast between the news and evening programming, consisted of four shots that lasted approximately two and quarter minutes with the inclusion of a thirty second period dedicated to publicity. Carosello had a strict format of rules that lead to an intensive production of commercials such as: 1. Every episode could be broadcast once, 2. Four commercials made up of 2’15 length; 3. Every commercial could only …show more content…

Carosello was more than a show but it infiltrated everyday life, habits, behavior, slogans, and jingles that became apart of the language within Italy. Even the advertisement revenues in 1957 for Carosello were one million euros and 1958 it surpassed even the radio eight million euros. The impact Carosello had over the two decades of advertisement on Italian television is