Carroll Cole Research Paper

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Samuel Dodd
Mrs. Neuburger
English 12
12 April 2023

Carroll Edward Cole
Carrol Edward Cole was a serial killer throughout the seventies who was known for his hatred of women and his compulsive tendencies. Carroll Cole was convicted of murdering at least 16 people between the years 1971 and 1980. His crimes were brutal and he showed no remorse for his actions, which left many people wondering about his mental health. (Winter) Carroll Cole admitted to 16 murders, but due to his alcoholic nature, he suspects he may have killed about 35 people. Carroll Cole had an abusive mother which caused him to harbor hate in his heart. He felt as if he was killing his mother when he was killing women. Multiple run-ins with the law and mental health professionals …show more content…

Carroll attacked two couples parked in a lover’s lane with a hammer. He was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to work for thirty days at the county’s work farm. Three years later he moved to Dallas, Texas to live near his brother. (Richmond) Two months later Carroll attempted suicide after a failed strangulation attempt of a woman he met. A couple of years after that he was convicted of arson. It was the same act of arson that he committed when he burned down the motel he was convinced his wife was using for extramarital affairs. He was sentenced to two years in federal prison afterward. (“Carroll Edward Cole”) About six months after he was released in 1967, he attempted to strangle an 11-year-old girl in her home. He pleaded guilty to the charge and received a reduced sentence of five years in prison again. Three years afterward he was released on parole, and he began drifting between cities. Carroll again tried to strangle two more women, yet both victims were able to escape. Carroll ended up confessing to police in Reno, Nevada about his urges to strangle women and was charged with disorderly conduct. …show more content…

His childhood abuse, military experiences, and substance abuse likely contributed to the development of his mental health conditions. (“Carroll Edward Cole”) Despite being diagnosed with several mental health conditions, Cole was found competent to stand trial and was held fully responsible for his crimes. His case highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues early on to prevent violent behavior and the need for adequate psychiatric evaluation and treatment in the criminal justice system. (Winter)

Works Cited “Carroll Edward Cole” Murderpedia. NS, 4 June 2017. Web. 04 Apr. 2023 Newton, Michael. “Carroll Edward Cole” Crime Library. NS, 13 Mar. 2023 Web. 17 Apr. 2023
Richmond, Jessica, Amber Dalton, and Laura Clement. “Carroll Edward Cole” Radford University. NS, 04 Sep. 2016 Web. 05 Apr. 2023
Rosewood, Jack, and Rebecca Lo. “Carroll Edward Cole” The Big Book of Serial Killers. Monee: LAK Publishing, 2017. 175-179. Print.
Vronsky, Peter. “The Nest of Baby Snakes: “Killing Became the Same Thing as Having Sex” American Serial Killers: The Deadliest Years 1950-2000. Berkley: Penguin Random House, 2020. 185. Print.
Winter, Russ. “Serial Killer Carroll ‘Eddie’ Cole, the Product of an Anarcho-Tyrannical System” Winter Watch. NS, 12 Apr. 2023. Web. 17 Apr.