
Cars 1 Night Techniques

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In the short film "2 Cars 1 Night" written and directed by Taika Waititi, two brothers and a girl meet in a car park of a rural pub, while waiting for their parents to finish their business. The two brothers are Romeo and Ed and the girl is Polly. This text will focus on four techniques that Waititi uses to convey his message. The four techniques that are manipulation of time, setting, facial gestures and dialogue.

Waititi uses manipulation of time to emphasize the idea or the notion that the children are waiting the length of the night for the adults, maybe hinting at child neglect. This is shown at the beginning as the clouds are moving at a fast rate and the cars are going in out of carpark of the pub which are shown through time lapse/manipulation of time. Also during the movie Waititi uses this technique again as Polly intently watches the adults smoking. By using this technique …show more content…

This is shown when Romeo and Polly have creatively interacted with each other. Initially they were in two separate cars bored, degrading each other. However, towards the end they can be seen sitting side by side inside Polly's car. This helps to understand Waititi's underlying message that humans have the potential to do whatever they want to despite their situation.

Waititi combines manipulation of time with setting to emphasize the idea of ones' potential to do anything. Waititi uses manipulation of time to indicate how long the children have waited and he's also used a setting of a rural pub carpark. Given the limited number of things to do, Romeo had to make his own fun by talking to Polly. His brother Ed was busy reading a book and not interacting with him, except during the film Ed answers some questions that Romeo asks. I think these two techniques work together very well because it emphasizes that the children did not need anyone but themselves to create their own

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