Case Citation: Gallagher v. Cayuga Medical Center 151 AD 3d 1349 - NY: Appellate Div., 3rd Dept. 2017 Background: In this civil case Timothy W. Gallagher is the appellant, and Cayuga Medical Center (CMC) is the respondents. The case took place in the appellate division of the supreme court of New York, division three. The plaintiff’s complaint was that Cayuga Medical Center had asserted medical malpractice, negligence, wrongful death and emotional distressed. This case was decided on June 15, 2017. Issue: This cases issue involved Timothy W. Gallagher bringing an action of medical malpractice, negligence, wrongful death, and emotional distress suit against Cayuga Medical Center for releasing his son from the hospital when he was having suicidal …show more content…
The Gallagher v. Cayuga Medical Center case was then appealed by the plaintiffs. Facts: This is a civil case. The Plaintiff of this case is Timothy W. Gallagher, the parent of Jack O’Bannon Gallagher (deceased). Jack was sent to the emergency room after his high school nurse believed he might have abused a substance in which he was acting strangely and had elevated blood pressure. The decedent was omitted into the hospital and was seen by multiple medical professionals who evaluated both his physical health and mental state. The decedent was later released from the hospital after being cleared by the psychiatrist for discharge and later committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The Respondent, Cayuga Medical Center, is where multiple physicians; Christopher Scianna and Drew Koch, a registered nurse; Meghan Beeby, and an on-duty psychiatrist; Auguste Duplan, had evaluated the decedent’s health and mental …show more content…
Galynker also never explained why an algorithm could have provided a different result or what questions could have been generated to alter a medical decision. With this, the court deemed Galynker’s affirmation conclusive and lacked sufficient detail. Galynker also stated that Koch did not examine the case with Duplan and did not consider the drug use of the decedent, but this information was later omitted due to Galynker’s lack of expertise in emergency