Health And Social Care Case Study R/S Mr. Pittman

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R/s James Maxwell Pittman is believed to be a vulnerable adult due to his mental illness. R/s Mr. Pittman mental capacity is of a 12-year-old. R/s Mr. Pittman lives with his mother, Judy Pittman and it was reported to the reporter that Ms. Pittman is abusing Mr. Pittman. R/s Mr. Pittman has an infection in his mouth and he has not been taken to the dentist. R/s Mr. Pittman is not being made to bathe nor is Ms. Pittman is bathing him. R/s Mr. Pittman does not go the doctors. R/s signs of physical abuse is present. R/s the home is very cluttered and unclean, it is described as “a place no one will want to live”. R/s the family may have previous DSS involved due Mr. Pittman being suicidal in the past.

R/s this information was disclosed to her