Case Study: Break Down The Barrier

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Chapter 12 HRM Incident 1 Break Down the Barrier Angelica Angulo accepted a job as a waitress with GEM Hotel Corporation. She moved from her small town in Milford, New Mexico to Las Vegas where the job was located. Angelica spent a short amount of time with her immediate supervisor and them was trained by an experienced waitress named Laurie Rader. Laurie asked Angelica if she had “given any thought to joining our union” (Mondy, 2014, pg. 355)? Angelica had no experience with unions and had never thought about a joining a union. As her day went on she got asked by several other coworkers the same question. When Angelica went to the washroom she was followed by Stephanie Clements the union steward, she asked why Angelica was not joining the union and that it was not fair for her to reap all the benefits of the work that …show more content…

On Monday the Center Street location completes a money count. Since the store is not open 24 hours on Friday through Sunday the count on Monday takes more time to count. The company policy is that when the safe is emptied there needed to be a manager with the employee on duty. The employee is to place $1,000 in each brown bag and leave it on the floor for the manager to verify next to the safe. Bill Catron who was working the morning shift wanted to save the manager time and started to count the money early. Bill was bagging a customer’s groceries and accidently put a money bag in with the groceries. When Toni arrived they both began to search for the missing money and while they were searching the customer returned with the bag of money. The policy is that anyone violating the money-counting procedure could be fired immediately. The decision is up to the supervisor and her immediate boss. Bill was very upset and stated that he needed his job. Toni asked if Bill knew the policy and he said he did. Toni called her boss at home and with his approval did not fire