Case Study: Diversity And Inclusion Issues At Uber Technologies

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Globalization of commercial ventures has caused significant changes in demographic attributes of workforces globally. Diverse workforce comprises people from unique cultures who have different attributes, expectations, and aspirations. Workers from diverse backgrounds have differing needs and manifest the urge for respect in their places of work. Management must understand the needs of these different groups of people in order to avoid or prevent tensions between employees. Promoting harmony in an organization is an essential step towards enhancing productivity. Globally, managers are focused on ensuring equality and inclusion in organizations by advancing policies and practices that prevent behaviors that arise from diversity such as discrimination, sexism, and other forms of prejudices. Unfortunately, this has not been the case everywhere.
Diversity and Inclusion Issues at Uber Technologies Inc.
Uber Technologies Inc., popularly known as Uber is a technology company that provides travelers with an application that allows them to hail a taxi in more than 162 cities across the world. The company is considered the most valuable venture-backed …show more content…

The management should also be made to undergo the program so as to implement what they learn in their leadership roles. The management should understand that diversity encompasses more than offering same employment opportunities (Miner, 2005; Bello, 2012). Additionally, they should comprehend that change occurs gradually although they should continue encouraging the same in the organization. Uber should offer a secure environment for all workers and managers to communicate. Such environments can comprise of social gatherings, community initiatives, and business meetings. Every employee in the organization should be respected and allowed to air opinions and ideas without fear of criticism or

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