Case Study: Eshiny Shoes

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Slide 1- AACMES has five competitors in the footwear industry. Eshiney Shoes is one of them. This bar graph represents company’s regional average in internet market share. Eshiny Shoes has a significant market share in the internet market segment. They are the second market leader behind the Fashionable Laces. Although its’ market share has decreased from 25.4% (Regions’ Average)in Year 11 to 15.8%(Regions’ Average) in Year 13, still, Eshiny shoes has good market share compare to AACMES who has 14.9% (Regions’ Average) in Year 13. Slide 2- Eshiny has very impressive internet market share in all regions, but they are doing very good in Latin America. In year 11 they achieved the greatest market share in that region compare to other regions.