Case Study Of The Supreme Court Case Of Katz V. United States

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Katz v. United States, is a United States Supreme Court case discussing about "right to privacy" and the legal definition of a "search". Charles Katz lived in Los Angeles and in 1960’s he was the leading basketball handicappers in the country. Charles Katz used a public telephone in Los Angeles, California to place illegal gambling bets with gamblers in Miami and Boston. The FBI tapped the specific phone by attaching an electronic listening and recording device to the outside of the public telephone booth used by Mr. Katz and they were able to listen about the Katz illegal bets. While placing these illegal bets over phone, Mr. Katz was unaware that the United States Federal Government through FBI was listening. After they got evidence, FBI arrested Mr. Katz and immediately taken him into custody. In response to arrest, Charles Katz said that the FBI and the Los Angeles Police Department had violated his rights as an American citizen. The right to privacy requires all government authorities must protect the privacy of individual American citizens. Because of these rights, the case of Katz v. United States is considered as unusual and unique. The case began in 1967 and was heard in the Supreme Court of the United States. …show more content…

To legally record phone conversations the FBI or any police department must have a reasonable cause or the government must have solid evidence that you are a criminal or you are doing an illegal activity. Without the evidence or reasonable cause, the government cannot disrupt your privacy. In Katz V. United States, the examination of evidence before judge started on October 17th of 1967 and was decided on December 18th of

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