Casey Anthony Case Study

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Murder is the unlawful killing of one human being by another. Murder is the taking of an innocent one’s life. Casey Anthony is well known for her connection to the mysterious disappearance of her young daughter, Caylee. Murder is what many believe Casey Anthony committed to her own daughter. Casey Anthony’s verdict should have been guilty based on the facts that have been unfolded. On June 15, 2008 Caylee Anthony went missing. Caylee Anthony had been missing for a month before anyone even decided to report her absence. Casey, Caylee’s mother, tells the police that the nanny of two years has kidnapped her daughter. Casey also reports that she did not call the police sooner because she had been on the hunt for her missing child herself. In the end, the detectives uncover that Casey is a compulsive liar and Caylee had no nanny. On December 11, 2008, a utility meter reader comes across a black plastic bag with a small human skull inside. The skull had duct tape and small strands of hair attached. The remains are founded less than one-quarter mile from the home of the Anthony’s. After eight long days of investigation of the crime scene, the remains are identified as Caylee Anthony. …show more content…

She pleads not guilty. The prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Casey. On May 24, 2011, three years after Caylee’s body is found, the trial of Casey Anthony begins. After a little over ten hours the jury comes back with the verdict of not guilty. Casey is arrested for initially lying to the police. She is supposed to serve four years but is released ten days later. Casey know lives in her home in Orlando, Florida where she does not go outside for the fear of losing her life. After all Casey Anthony is one of the nation’s most hated