Casey Anthony Research Paper

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Americans became fascinated by Casey Anthony when she became a household name following the disappearance of her daughter. After being raised in Ohio, Anthony was later charged with the murder of her daughter Caylee following their move to Florida. Anthony’s trial quickly became public, and shocked the nation after she was acquitted of all murder charges. The majority of America assumed Anthony was guilty, but without substantial evidence, the jury lacked the confirmation they needed to lock her up for good. The question remains today, how did Caylee Anthony die? Born on March 19, 1986 in Warren, Ohio, Anthony was described as a “bright, personable young girl.” Anthony was popular and found herself following the wrong crowds. Anthony lied …show more content…

Baez also says that Caylee drowned in the Anthony family pool on June 16, 2008, and that George and Casey Anthony covered up the death.” (Trial Fast Facts) The defense claims that the traces of chloroform found in the trunk occurred while covering up Caylee’s drowning. The prosecution argued that Anthony was a party girl, and unconcerned about her daughter. They stated that Anthony was responsible for the death of …show more content…

Anthony was found guilty of providing false information to police and “…sentenced to four years in jail” (Trial Fast Facts) “She [was] also fined $1,000 for each count. (Trial Fast Facts) Anthony served three years and one day before being released on July 17, 2011 for good behavior.
In August 2011, Anthony was forced to serve a one year probation from prior convictions. Many Americans did not understand why the Jury found Anthony not guilty. According to an alternate juror, “The prosecution did not prove their case… the big question [remains unanswered], how did Caylee die?” Following her probation, Anthony was faced with bankruptcy in January 2013. A judge granted her a “standard bankruptcy discharge... [Meaning that] Anthony will not have to pay most of her debts.” (Trial Fast