Categories Of Teacher Misbehavior

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Categories of teacher misbehavior described from poor time management to being inaccessible to students outside of class. Poor time management includes tardiness for class, early dismissal, not showing up for class, cancelling class without notification, and keeping the class overtime. These misbehaviors address the issue of teacher’s punctuality and absenteeism. Teachers in this category are represented as insensitive to the time demands placed on students. The following three categories, unprepared/disorganized, unprofessional teaching and straying from the subject emphasize teacher professional incompetence. These categories portray teachers as those who lack focus and pay little or no attention to the instructional process. Categories of …show more content…

These same teachers may also teach lessons that are too difficult or too easy and not appropriate to the students’ level, use the same teaching materials year after year, or can’t control the class nor create interest for learning. Finally, incompetent teachers usually are unwilling to receiving new knowledge. Obviously, teacher incompetence reflects their teaching attitude, that is, they come to the class without …show more content…

Teacher-student interaction in the classroom in North America is different from Taiwan. Due to Chinese cultural traditions and values that lie within Confucianism, teachers in Taiwan are highly respected (Fwu & Wang, 2002; Yang & Cheng, 1987). This mentality also fosters teachers’ classroom behaviors that preserve the status of their power and prestige (Li, 2003). The hierarchical relationship among people is stressed in the teaching of Confucius (Hofstede & Bond, 1988). This, in turn, is demonstrated in the educational setting with classrooms being authority-centered and by the existence of a large power distance between the teacher and students (Andersen, 2000). In addition, the status of teachers is distinctly higher than that of students (Fwu & Wang, 2002). A teacher exhibiting a distant relationship with students is a common scene in the Taiwanese classroom (Gao, 1997; Li, 2003). This logically explains why Taiwanese students perceive their teachers as