Catherine Genovese Research Paper

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Kitty (Catherine) Genovese was stabbed on the night of March 14,1964 with multiple supposed eyewitnesses but yet not one of them seemed to have called the police even hearing her pleas and cries for help. If only one of those eyewitnesses stepped up and called would it have saved Miss Catherine Genovese? Miss Genovese was getting home from work and exiting her vehicle when she saw a stranger approaching her, she started heading the opposite direction of her home. Catherine “got as far as a street light in front of a bookstore before the man grabbed her”(Pg 128) and stabbed her once in the middle of the street. The stranger returned a second time to Miss Genovese, she trying to make her way around the building that is by her apartment. “The assailant stabbed her again”(Pg 128), she was screaming “I’m dying! I’m dying!”(Pg 128). …show more content…

The assailant got into his car and drove away.”(Pg 128) “The assailant returned. By then, Miss Genovese had crawled to the back of the building, where the freshly painted brown doors to the apartment house held out hope for safety. The killer tried the first door; she wasn’t there. At the second door, 82-62 Austin Street, he saw her slumped on the floor at the foot of the stairs. He stabbed her a third time.”(Pg 129) . The police got their first call from a man that was a neighbor of Miss Genovese, they were there in two minutes. “The neighbor, a seventy year-old woman and another woman were the only persons on the streets. Nobody else came forward.” (Pg