Catholic Church Social Justice Essay

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Social justice is a key element in society. It is an integral part of how humanity works and the relationships we have with people. The catholic church has many teachings and rules on how people should be treated. However, the catholic church’s view on social justice is a simple concept that relies on the preservation on human dignity. Throughout it’s history, the church has believed that minorities and those who are less fortunate must be cared for and treated in a dignified manner. This has been one of the central themes of the belief. However not all faiths have the same views as the church, such as Islam. These two religions both share strong roots to one another yet their views on social justice are so different. How does this work? And how does it affect the society we live in?
The church’s view on social justice has a central theme around human dignity. Every person, whoever they may be or whatever their situation is, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. According to the catechism of the catholic church, “Social justice can be obtained only in respecting the transcendent dignity of man. The person represents the ultimate end of …show more content…

We cannot respect a person unless we also accept them. The teachings of Jesus focus on acceptance of all people no matter their appearance or situation. “Love one another, as I have loved you,” (John 15:12-13) is the embodiment of Jesus’ message of social justice for all peoples and is often quoted when explaining the church’s point of view on social justice. Islam however does not share this acceptance of all people especially those of other faiths as highlighted in this text from the Quran: “And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them.” The believers of this faith are taught to reject people of differing beliefs and treat them in a socially unjust