Catholic Church's View On Euthanasia

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Catholic Church's View on Euthanasia
Euthanasia is defined as the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable or painful disease. This means that a doctor or the patient will choose to be killed before they actually die. The Catholic church has many stands on this issue and a lot has been written about it in the Catechism. This paper is going to explain what the Church’s says about the issue, how the church refutes arguments about the issue, and what my opinion on the topic is.
The Catholic church’s view on Euthanasia is that it is bad and it shouldn’t be done. Euthanasia is considered a violation of the word of God and it’s even considered to break the fifth commandment, “You shall not kill.” The Catechism reads “Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable,”(2277 Cat.). This obviously means that in the Church euthanasia is unacceptable because it states it in the Catechism quote above. …show more content…

The church would answer that an easy death is when you are given to the lord and not killed by a doctor or chemical. Also, some other people would say that when the patient is in pain then it is ok to commit Euthanasia. The Church would also say that even though you are suffering, this pain has a redemptive value. This means that you will get