Causal Analysis Essay: The Effect Of Media On Body Image And Health

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Causal Analysis Essay on
The Effect of Media on Body Image and Health The media has become a big part of every human life, it has a significant influence on many aspects of the society. Media such as television, movies, magazines and the Internet influence adolescents on what they consider as the overall society’s beauty standard and what they believe their body image should be. Public figures including celebrities, fashion models, singers and show hosts are often seen as a role model , especially by teenagers since they are having an ideal body type. However, this idealised body type is being portrayed as being thin or in many cases, extremely or unhealthily thin. Moreover, with the use of photoshop, media also depicts falsified images of those public figures to create a perfect look that is unachievable by the average woman in the society. From my personal perspective, the media is the medium which creates and portrays unrealistic beauty standards that can lead to many health problems both physically and mentally in adolescents such as eating disorder, being underweight, having depression and poor …show more content…

Eating disorder is something which is close to home, it is one of the most common health problems which is found in adolescents, there are up to 20 million women and 10 men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder sometime in their life in only the United States (Wade, Keski-Rahkonen, & Hudson, 2011) while only one in ten people receive treatment even though it can be life threatening, eating disorder actually has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness and is 12 times higher than all other death causes for teen girls and young women (Maria Amaro, n.d), this shows that people are being unaware or underestimate of the effects or even the causes of