Cause And Effect Essay On The Causes Of Black Boys

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Have you ever asked yourself why boys commit violent crimes? Why do they fail in school? Everyday, boys are growing up depressed and underestimated due to our wrong thoughts and traditions. The society doesn’t care about their emotions. Boys prefer to be silent and never reveal their problems to others. They think that they are living alone (Glazer, 1999). This essay explains the causes of boys’ negative attitude, discusses the effects of this problem and suggests some solutions.

One of the main causes that affects boys negatively is parental divorces. Kantrowitz and Kalb (1998) state that black boys are more exposed than white boys to live without their fathers. Their mothers will always be charged with more responsibilities to fill the gap (Kantrowitz & Kalb, 1998). Also, the father has limited contact with his son, he cares more about work than his boy, so they don’t spend time together, and this creates a gap between the father and his son (Kantrowitz & Kalb, 1998). …show more content…

Kantrowitz and Kalb (1998) declare that in the wake of the feminist movement, boy behavior has come to be considered pathological. Also, girls’ border have been enlarged, boys have contracted. In addition, parents and teachers differentiate between boys and girls in treatment, as a result, boys think that girls are more preferred to teachers than boys. Despite all of that, boys want and need more attention, love and care, but they can’t ask for them. Parents don’t realize gender differences and they give dolls to their boys and these boys use them as