Cause And Effects Of Ww2

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There are many aspects of world war two. Of course there was the invasions and the attempt of Adolf Hitler to conquer globally and have a world wide rule. There was also the mass genocide that Adolf Hitler attempted towards anyone of the Jewish religion. Most everyone knows that the causes and effects of world war two was most definitely significant events in history. When people study the causes and effects of world war two, many fail to see all the things that were leading up to empowering Adolf Hitler in his quest to commit genocide of the Jewish religion. Genocide can be classified as an act of attempting to successfully wipe out an entire race, religion, ethnicity, or any specific group of people to the point where it is no longer existent …show more content…

Of course in the nineteen thirties when the war was first beginning to brew, it was not apparent to the citizens of Germany, or even any of the other countries that became involved in world war two, that there was signs of any kind of war that could possibly break out. Nobody wanted to really even think of the possibility of another war after the treacherous war of world war one. The thought of war was far from the minds of the German citizens, for they were still trying to rebuild their country after the devastations on the infrastructure and pride from the loss of world war one. Within the modern day, it is much more apparent when it came to seeing the beginning signs of the commencement of world war two. Although it is primarily told and understood that world war two began after Adolf Hitler sent his troops in to invade Poland on September first of nineteen thirty-nine, there are still many other signs of hostility before the commencement of the world war that can be seen within the boundaries of Germany itself. One of those specific events that can be seen as the beginning of all the hostility and violence of the war would include an event that happened eighty years …show more content…

Many Jews woke up that morning to the distraught site of the glass strewn about in the streets. The event of the smashing itself took place in the cold of the night by angry Germans. What initially sparked enough of this anger and rage among some German citizens to do such a thing as shattering all the windows to the Jewish businesses was the assassination of a German official, who was in Paris. The reason they took this anger among the Jews was due to the fact that the person who committed the murder of the German official was a Jewish teenager. Every inch of the street was covered and littered in all of the glass that was shattered and broken. Every Jewish owned business was ripped away of its dignity. Every storefront was bare and stripped away from the shatterings. Of course the most distraught of them all was the Jewish business owners due to the fact that it was their businesses that were ruined and attacked. This atrocious act is now what we call Kristallnacht, which roughly translates to “Night of Broken