Cause Of Civil War Essay

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Many people can argue that the main cause of the Civil War was the Kansas-Nebraska Act or the Compromise of 1850. What most people don’t understand, that most of the events leading up to the Civil War was slavery. Slavery is first reason that Civil War were started, but there are other reasons such as the Missouri Compromise, the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. The year 1860 was election year for the United States, Abraham Lincoln became the United States new president. This marked election is often thought of the first event that turned into the civil war that started April of 1861. President Lincoln was responsible for many large changes in United States History. Lincoln was a well-educated lawyer. He received the nomination from the Republican Party in 1860. Part of the success behind his election was the Democratic Party, those democrats from the Deep …show more content…

Dred Scott was a slave who sought citizenship through the American legal system, and whose case eventually ended up in the Supreme Court. The famous Dred Scott Decision in 1857 denied his request stating that no person with colored skin ( African American ) could become a U.S. citizen. Besides denying citizenship for African- Americans, it also overturned the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had restricted slavery in certain U.S. territories. Other caused of the civil war was because of John Brown’s raid. John Brown grew up in Ohio. His father taught him to hate slavery. When john became older, he decided that he would free the slaves in Harpers Ferry. He went into the town and killed many slave owners in there. The reason this is a key cause to the Civil War was because the South viewed the North as if the North wanted to kill slave owners to end slavery. This also made many slave owners afraid that more Northerners would go into Southern cities to start a slave rebellion and kill innocent people. Just like what John Brown did in the south. Ali

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