
Causes Of War: The Zimmerman Telegram

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A message encrypted with the fact that Germany will resume unrestricted submarine warfare while offering an alliance with Mexico in terms of war was known as the Zimmerman Telegram. World War l was a large war that began due to different views of imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and alliances. Future assassinations (such as Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary) triggered chain reactions; therefore, all nations kept coming into battle to fight for their victory. February 1, 1917, was the intended date to begin this attack. Believing that these unknown invasions against the British and their ships could result in victory for the Germans, they continued on with expressing their destructive plans against their opponent. Germany undoubtedly …show more content…

This action was disgraceful, military battles were known to be fought combatinance versus combatinance. In this matter, Germany will stop these surprise attacks, only because they were against the U.S.becoming involved and declaring war. Adhering to this pledge because the U.S. warned that it would break off all diplomatic relations unless done so, Germany did, until a few years later. German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman sent a secret message, coded with Germany’s plans, to Count Johann von Bernstorff, Germany’s imperial ambassador, on around January 16th and 19th. In the process of this time, British governments had “intercepted the telegram and began decoding.” By the date of January 31, the coded Zimmermann Telegram was deciphered. February 3, 1917, was the date in which the United States began the first break of relations with Germany, and finally, two weeks after this date, the deciphered message was made clear to the United States by the British government. This telegram was expected to only be seen by the German embassy in Mexico City, however, this was not the …show more content…

“We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the U.S. neutral,” Germany’s goal is to keep away from war with the United States, and in if for some reason this fails, they agreed to an alliance with Mexico. “Make war together, make peace together…” with such things proposed, if either go to war or conquer other territories, both are willing to help each-other. Arthur Zimmermann was aiming to create an alliance between Mexico and Germany, considering they would need the help to win this war. There were offerings of large deals of financial support and the idea that Germany will help Mexico in battling “Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico” territories if the war was won. Overall, this document stated that “...as soon as the outbreak of war with the U.S. is certain..” the President of Mexico will be informed about the planned submarine warfare attack. In addition to that, the British played a large role in revealing the message and helping the U.S. come into battle. Known as the ones that intercepted the telegram, and took their very own time to decode it and warn the United States was largely helpful in getting the U.S. aware and ready to fight back. To summarize, the main idea of this document is that Zimmermann is telling Mexico that they should align with Germany and simply fight. Mainly stated, Mexico should attack the U.S. and “invite Japan” along to enforce a stronger military. With the United States fighting

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