Central Line Summary

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A summary of this paper is that of the central line and the peripherally inserted central catheter line. They are both catheters and the both are inserted into an artery going straight to your heart. How these two lines differ are in the periods that they can be left in. This paper will also outline the risks of initiating and having one of these put in, and also the instructions on how to initiate one to begin with. The intention of this paper is to explain the uses of, and differences between PICC lines and Central lines, as they do apply to the patients in today’s ever expanding medical practices. In addition, this paper will also show the steps of insertion, care, risks, applications and advantages of each line. PICC Lines & Central Lines These …show more content…

Although you may still have one to three lumen, like a PICC line, but instead of being inserted in the arm, central lines are “cuffed or tunneled,” meaning placed under the skin, slightly more directly to the vein near the heart. So PICC lines are in the arm or elbow, while central lines are in the shoulder, neck, and groin for location of insertion. (CENTRAL, 2015) The cleaning and maintenance of the central line is virtually the same as aforementioned above in the maintenance of the PICC lines. As is the primary function of its intended purpose of use, essentially to deliver the IV medicines, fluids, and/or blood in the most efficient way known to modern medicine. DON’T FORGET THE 4 C’s! Keep them Covered, Clean, Clamped, and Capped. (Caring, 2015) Typically the central line is used on a shorter term basis, and used more often during inpatient hospital visits. In either use of lines, PICC or Central, after the treatement(s) is complete, the doctor will determine when it is appropriate for the patient to have the line removed. Length of time of use of the line is almost always determined on a case to case basis.

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