Central Theoretical Concepts In Relation To Children's Holistic Development

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This essay demonstrates an agreement of the central theoretical concepts in relation to children’s and young people’s holistic learning and development. More specific I will analyse the meaning of holistic development and what includes in it. First of all, the central theoretical concepts or conceptual, are the different ideas and opinions upon a controversial idea or research (Wikipedia 2014). Holistic development is one of the ideas that create conflicts such as nature and nurture. There are many who believe that people develop their characteristics by nature, such as sex, eye colour and behaviour. They believe that children take the genotype from their mother, which means that they carry their parent’s characteristics and habits so they …show more content…

Holistic growth relates with cognitive, social-emotional, physical and language development (Davenport 2000). Cognitive development is the growth of thinking, understanding and general the development of the brain (Wikipedia 2014). Gosmani (2008, p.xi) states that ‘cognitive development begins once the baby leaves the womb.’ Cognitive development is the construction of thought process, including remembering, problem solving and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to …show more content…

Piaget’s theory focus on two aspects. First of all, was interested in the process of cognitive development which was the adaptation to the environment which based on the schema (unit of mental thought), assimilation (new information fits into an existing schema) and accommodation (no fitted information so creation of new schema) (edpsycinteractive 2014). The second was the stages of development. Piaget identified 4 stages of cognitive development, sensory motor stage (infancy), pre-operational stage (toddler and early childhood), concrete operational stage (elementary and early adolescence) and formal operational stage (adolescent and adulthood) (edpsycinteractive 2014). Moreover, there are other researchers who disagree with Piaget’s theory like Vygotsky and Bruner in many aspects. These two theorists believe that child cognitive development relates to the social environment, the culture and the language (McLeod 2008). Also, they both agree that adults must help children develop their skills by an active learning (McLeod