Cerebral Palsy: Journal Article Analysis

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Journal Article Review

Thalia Gonzalez
Journal Article Title: Relationship between activity limitations and participation restriction in school-aged children with cerebral palsy.
Park, Eun-Young, and Won-Ho Kim. "Relationship between Activity Limitations and Participation Restriction in School-aged Children with Cerebral Palsy." J Phys Ther Sci Journal of Physical Therapy Science (2015): 2611-614. Print.
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1.) I used the www.pubmed.org website to access my article which is the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. The steps I went through to access the article is as follows:
• I opened my internet explorer web browser and place into web browser www.pubmed.org (this database …show more content…

2611). This study, as I understand it, is to look into the relationship between activity limitations and restrictions in participation for children living with cerebral palsy. The authors are doing this study to see what the relationship between activity limitations and participation restriction in school-aged children are and how clinicians can use this information in each of the classification models of cerebral palsy ( classification models as described by the article are, Gross Motor classification system (GMFCS), manual ability classification system (MACS), and the communication function classification system (CFCS)as well as how the information obtained by this study will help rehabilitation settings for this cohort of …show more content…

2613). Another major finding was that the relationship between activity limitations and participation was that it is not a clear correlation between the two variables. It was important to note that it depends on what level of Cerebral Palsy the child falls under according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Overall the conclusion of this study is that participation in activities will help improve the quality of life for individuals living with Cerebral Palsy but it is important to see where these individuals lie in all of the classification systems so that they can participate in a level that is in connection with their daily