Cesar Chavez High School Graduation Speech

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Welcome fellow students, faculty, and staff. I am thrilled to join all of you today. I am here to tell you about my vision for Cesar Chavez High School. A vision that will appeal to not only you, but your children that attened many years from now. Today is a new day. I have a vision that one day, today, we can all wake up in the morning rejoyced to come to this campus. One day, Today, we can go to class excited to learn new things that will aid us in life. Today is a new day as the sun rises over the horizon. Today is a new day.

High school is so much more than sitting in class for an hour, 7 times a day. Highschool is not about finding who you are, its about creating who you are. Your future doesn’t lie ahead of you, it lies inside of you, when kufe becomes a roller coaster, climb into the front seat, put your hands up, and enjoy the ride. Join a club, participate in a sport. If we don’t have what youre interested in, create it. Highschool is, and will always be what you make it out to be. Ive laughed. Created. Experienced so many exiting concepts. All of our lives weve been taught all about people who have chnaged the world, our world. Now its my turn, and I am starting here. …show more content…

I want to lead Chavez because I am passionate about helping you. I believe in all of you and I know youre going to do big things in this world. Many of my peers have questions and concerns that never get answered or listened to. I am here to guide you, listen to you, respect you, and give you all of my support through your high school

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