Change In School Critical Analysis

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Critical Analysis of the Implementation of STEM ALP in school.
'It is not change that kills, it is the transitions' – William Bridges
‘Learning’ is synonymous to ‘change’ in reality. Change is part of our lives and is not a problem if the aim of why we have to change is clear and makes sense. In fact, if people can resonate with the purpose of changing, they will be more ready to own the change, rather than those being arbitrarily imposed on them. Understanding and accepting that change is long, continuous process that involves struggles, bewilderment and loss, is vital for future learners.
Educational change is both multidimensional and complex and cannot exist in isolation as Fullan (1991) stated, “a dynamic process involving interacting variables over time”. In this essay, I chose to …show more content…

Collegiality among teachers plays an important role when ensuring that there is moral and emotional support during difficult times. Fullan (1991a), espouses that the school culture can determine teacher’s attitude toward change. How teachers are able to work with other teachers is critical, given that change requires a lot of interactions among teachers to learn something new and this is the foundation to good learning culture. Teacher isolation is not desirable as it means a fast burn out and stagnant teaching methods. It hampers development of ideas and impedes growth. "The quality of relationship among teachers is strongly related to implementation" (p. 77). It is also important that there be "teacher participation in decisions concerning project operations and modifications" (Berman & McLaughlin, 1980, p . 9). This means that teachers have to be involved and their ideas heard to ensure ownership of the project, "the staff were more likely to invest the considerable energy needed to make the project work. The project, in short, was 'theirs' " (p .