Changes And Continuities In Athens

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In 590 BCE Athenians were suffering from debt and famine throughout Athens. The government and economy were also weak causing distress all over Athens. Draco writing the first written law code in Athens was the initiating event that brought democracy to Athens. In 621 BCE Draco wrote the law code in order to ease discontent in Athens since there was no previous law code. Unfortunately the law code was too harsh on the people of Athens, which caused more trouble amongst the people. Later on, due to the growing complaints about the law code, Nobles gave Solon the power to change the law code that Draco had created. Solon made economic and political changes which further shaped Athens. For example, he increased trade in Athens and abolished debt slavery. Solon didn’t create democracy in Athens, but made Athens more democratic. Solon did so by changing the qualifications for office from lineage to wealth. Solon also gave more power to the poor citizens and gave the poor noncitizens more privileges. When Solon gave up his power aristocrats took over Athens. Since Aristocrats favored the wealthy, the poor people of Athens went back to having virtually no power. …show more content…

He gave the poor class jobs in construction and took control of Athens’ grain supply. Peisistratus and other scholars decided upon the best rendition of the Iliad which was an important cultural change considering the fact that the epic poem is still studied in modern times. When Peisistratus died, his son Hippias came into power. He ruled oppressively which caused more feuding in Athens. Fortunately, he was driven out of Athens with help from the Spartans and Cleisthenes. The Spartans were not on board with the rising idea of a democracy in Athens so they had to be removed from Athens to establish a