
Changes In The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time

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Change is different for every person. Some change more dramatically than others and some rarely change. In Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Christopher changes throughout the novel with the things that happen to him in the novel. Christopher has Asperger's Syndrome, which means that he has trouble with social interactions and can't comprehend how serious some situations can be, affecting how he changes. Christopher changes the most with the everyday experiences that he has. Christopher experiences Good, Quite Good, Super Good, and Black days throughout the novel. These things happen during his commute to school when he sees a specific order of cars like having 4 red cars in a row making it a Good Day or having 4 yellow cars in a row making it a Black Day. While Christopher was on his way to school, he saw, "4 red cars in a row, which meant that it was a Good Day, so I decided not to be sad about Wellington,”(Haddon 24). These good days affected his emotions because he decided not to be sad about Wellington the dog dying. This changed Christopher because he was devastated that Wellington died. But Black days affected Christopher even more, "I don’t speak to anyone and sit on my own reading books and don’t eat my lunch and Take No Risks,”(Haddon 24). Black Days affect …show more content…

When Christopher found out from his Dad that his mother, "died from a heart attack and it wasn't expected.”(Haddon 27) For most people, hearing that their mom died would be devastating and would most likely change someone. But Christopher wasn't affected by it and instead while talking to a teacher at his school, he said that "when mother died she didn’t go to heaven because heaven doesn’t exist,”(Haddon 32). He says this because he doesn't believe in god so he thinks that his mother doesn't exist anymore once she dies. So a big event in Christopher's life wouldn’t change

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