Changing Drinking Age To 18 Essay

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Changing the Drinking Age from 21 to 18 in the Nebraska


Tea and coffee were too expensive for the Parisians in the eighteenth century, they resorted to alcohol because water was to muddy and often had to many chemicals to be consumed. Before 10,000 BC to 500 BC people made alcoholic beverages out of berries or honey. Around 8000 B.C., humans converted some production into brewed beverages. The containers contained a fermented drink made of rice, honey grapes and berries. The world’s oldest known winery dates to 4100 and is located in a cave in Armenia. Early Egyptian writings encouraged mothers to send bread and beer for their lunch. The ancient Egyptians’ made 17 types of beet and 24 different wines. Beer was the major beverage for Babylonians at about 2700 B.C. Beer and wine were used for medical purposes in …show more content…

Changing the drinking age would change out community and social institutions and systems, it would also benefit us by helping us with public safety and welfare, and it would change Nebraska by social development, morals, and ethics.
Drinking age of 18
The drinking age should be changed in Nebraska because it would be helping our community. More adults would be able to buy alcohol in stores which would increase the profit made in that store. It could help our businesses because younger adults would be able to work at places with alcohol.
In Nebraska we can get married at the age of 19 with a certified copy of your birth certificate and the legal guardian has to sign a paper saying they agree or disagree with that choice, but if someone is under the age of 17 they are not allowed to get married. Not a sip of alcohol can be consumed at their own wedding because they’re not old enough. Being able to vote in Nebraska is another thing that can due before the can legally