Changing For Good: Overcoming Bad Habits

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The book “Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward” is a revolutionary program that used sciences and research to help people dealing with bad habits they would like to stop such as smoking, drinking and overeating. Through my group session I will be focusing on what happens when we change. I will also be explaining the different stages of change and what people should expect during each stage. For instance, according to the book people in the pre-contemplation stage issue, “isn’t that they can’t see the solution. Its that they cant see the problem”. In the contemplation stage states “people acknowledge that they have a problem and begin to think seriously about solving their problem”. Moreover, in the preparation stage states “people are planning to take action and make final adjustments before …show more content…

I will ask the group member “Has ever been a time in their life when they just wanted to stop doing something about yourselves, but just can’t seem correct?” As I begin the group I will also start discussing with the group what they will expect when they begin to change. For this part of the session, it will take me approximately 5-6 minutes. When I introduce the activity I will tell the members lets take a break and do something fun. Then I will tell the group members that we are going to play a matching game and who ever wins will get a prize. For this part of the session, it will take me approximately 3-4 minutes. For my activity, I will be giving group members a matching game. The matching game will provide the members with different questions relating to my topic I discussed. Depending on which member gets the most questions right they will a win prize. Also this activity I will help know how well the members understood the topic I discussed. For this part of the session, it will take me approximately 10-12