
Changing The Face Of Comprehensive School Counseling

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Intro School counseling has evolved over time. At the beginning of the “20th century school counselors didn’t exist” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). A counselor used to be just “a vocational guide that helped students who were graduating to enter the work force” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 49). Today that has changed drastically. Today’s counselors are “addressing the emotional and developmental needs of students” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256).
Reason for Change No child left behind act of 2001” imposed a system of accountability on schools” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). It was focused on “academic achievement and changed the face of school counseling” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). Because of this new direction the face of school counseling has “undergone a period of extensive restructuring and reform” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). School counselors have a big job ahead of them. They will be “required to devise, implement, and document the effectiveness of comprehensive school programs” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256).
The Process …show more content…

256). These programs should be “accessible to all students, include knowledge and skills students need, and are delivered systematically” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). The new school counseling program has four “interrelated components” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). These components include, “foundation, delivery system, management system and accountability” (Nugent & Jones, pg. 256). The second component of the “comprehensive school counseling program specifically looks at how counselors will implement guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services and systems support” (Nugent & Jones, pg.

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