
Essay: Outsid Outside Of High School

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There are many problems in the world today, which makes it so hard to choose just one, but based on a personal experience, I would like to study the issue of bullying. As a child, I was overweight, outgoing, rambunctious, and not at all the normal elementary school student. I was often made fun of, had few friends, and was bullied by my peers both male and female. I have ADHD, but at the time none of my peers understood what that meant. These and many other things set me apart from the student body and I was branded with my own version of the Scarlet Letter. Often victimized by relentless taunts and teases of my peers, throughout middle school I struggled to find my place. I bounced around friend groups, but one thing remained constant: I was always the center of everyone’s negative attention. I used my experiences to make myself a better person, but I feel that if I had access to a school counselor who actually had time for me, I may not have had such a problem. …show more content…

There is only one problem: in my elementary school of 3,000 students, we only had one counselor, and my middle school of 3,500 we only had 2. I didn’t even know who our counselors were. And now, in high school, we have 7 counselors and each counselor takes care of close to 800 students, but even then the counselors are more focused on getting the seniors to graduate than the inner workings of the student body. Because of this, I feel it is necessary to increase the number of counselors at each and every school throughout the

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