
Chapter 3 Application Question Paper

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Chapter 3 application questions
CSP 383 and 583
Please keep the questions formatting and write your responses below the questions.
1. Define and describe in your own words. In addition, give an example of how each can benefit students with intellectual disabilities
a. Explicit teaching
It is a teaching model that provides students with concepts, critical thinking, and skills to assist them in mastering educational subjects using auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. This model of teaching with address student’s different styles of learn because of their learning disability. This will Offer them a variety of ways to get involved during classroom instruction time.
b. Peer tutoring
The is a model of helping another student learn by utilizing a person similar in status to explain or clarify material. …show more content…

What 2 factors does IDEA identify as critical with respect to determining placement options for students with mild disabilities?

1. Unless a student's IEP have need of some other agreement. This involve and individualized investigation into the distinctive educational requirements of each disabled student. Therefore, determining the potential collection of aids and supports that are considered necessary to make easy the students’ placement in the regular educational setting before a more preventive placement is deemed.
2. IDEA requires that the IEP of each disabled learner has to enclose, along with other workings, a report on the detailed special education and connected services to be made available to the child and the amount that the child will be able to involve themselves in the regular educational curriculum.

4. What does Least Restrictive Environment mean to you as a teacher?
That each child that has been identified as an LD student with special needs, must be allowed to attend general educational environment with peers and only limitation to this guideline is that the individual’s disability is to serve to allow students to be included in classroom

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