Chapter Summary Of Brave New World

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Back at the Bloomsbury Centre, the D.H.C. waits with Henry Foster to humiliate Bernard. He plans to publicly confront Bernard in the Fertilizing Room, with its many high-caste workers. When Bernard arrives, the D.H.C. announces in front of everyone his intention to transfer Bernard to a "Sub-Centre of the lowest order." The D.H.C. explains that Bernard has "grossly betrayed the trust imposed in him" — and that his unorthodox attitudes and behavior threaten Society. Bernard laughs and introduces Linda. Linda quickly recognizes the Director, calls him by his name, Tomakin, and rushes up to give him a hug. When he pulls away out of disgust, Linda angrily screams at him for leaving her on the Reservation while pregnant with John. The Director becomes …show more content…

Horrified by Lenina's sexual freedom, John pushes her away, threatening to kill the "impudent strumpet." Throughout chapters 11-15, we follow John’s progression through and gradual rejection of the society his mother has told him is perfect. The imperfections of individuals in this world are also revealed. Chapter 16 starts off with the three men enter Mustapha Mond's office. Helmholtz chooses the best chair in the room while Bernard seeks out the worst, hoping that this self-inflicted punishment will make things easier for him. Mustapha arrives and asks the Savage if he likes their civilization. John does not, but he adds that it does have some nice things like the floating music. Mustapha quotes Shakespeare to him: "Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments will hum about my ears and sometimes voices." The Savage is thrilled that someone else knows Shakespeare. Mustapha indicates that although he forbids reading things such as Shakespeare, he can break the rules since they are his

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