
Character Analysis: Is Candide An Opera Or A Musical?

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Over the years the novel Candide experienced many revisions but, the same question still exists in every version, “Is Candide an Opera or a Musical?” Candide is about a boy(Candide) falling in love with his cousin(Cunegonde). However, her family disapproves of this and bans him from the family. However, this doesn't stop him to be with his love of his life. Throughout the story we examine him trying to be united with Cunegonde and there's many songs/dialogue that explains the story even further. In musicals characters, are able to talk and sing but, in operas the characters can only sing. So what is Candide?
One reason why Candide considered as an Opera because musicals tend to be more happy, while operas tend to be tragic or miserable. “The
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