
Character Analysis Of Akhenaten: Dweller In Truth

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Who is Nefertiti? Some might say she is the loving wife of Akhenaten, some might say she was the most power hungry and ambitious person. The novel, Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth by Naguib Mahfouz, takes place in ancient Egypt when Akhenaten holds the throne. Throughout the novel, there are many discrepancies regarding the personality of Nefertiti. Evidence is presented showing how she deceivingly married Akhenaten in order to rise into power. She goes against every bone of her body by defying her personal habits and behaviors, and avoids situations that can jeopardize her position as queen. Nefertiti cunning motives makes her the most insidious being humanity ever known.
There are many accounts that show that Nefertiti and Akhenaten’s marriage was not based on true love. Mutnedjmet, Nefertiti’s sister, says, “Nefertiti and I were raised …show more content…

I knew her too well to believe that the repulsive creature had anything in common with the man of her dreams, whom she had longed for since we were young girls in our father’s place” (96). A person that has lived with Nefertiti side by side sure has deep insight. Siblings know every precise detail about and Mutnedjmet knew from that start that something was off. Even in her own recall she states, “When I first saw him, I was taken aback by his strange appearance… he was thin and feeble. His appearance called more for pity than admiration.” (146) First impression of a person is most vital and from the start, Nefertiti truly never felt attracted to Akhenaten. She even claims that she wanted a man with a “strength of a warrior” (148) and this contradicts the Akhenaten’s physical traits. The traits of Nefertiti misalign with the traits of Nerfertiti’s

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