Age of Ultron is Brian Michael Bendis’ last hurrah on Marvel’s massive Avengers franchise. Bendis began writing Avengers when it was a third-tier comic book property, and he was – in a large part – responsible for turning the comic franchise into a sales juggernaut. The fact that Marvel was simultaneously working on a massive cinematic universe built around these characters – if only because they’d sold off most of the other ones – probably didn’t hurt. So, with Bendis moving off the Avengers franchise, ceding the crown of lead Avengers writer to up-and-comer Jonathan Hickman, he wrote Age of Ultron. It was a story the author had been hinting at for quite some time, from the first arc of his relaunched adjectiveless Avengers title through to …show more content…
From the outset, The Avengers have really been a very upper-class bunch of superheroes, characters who take pride in their place at the top of the superheroic food chain. They even have a butler, and characters like Hawkeye seem to take a surreal pride in their membership of the exclusive club. Given how subversive and deconstructive Bendis’ New Avengers run had been, it’s fascinating that he spent most of the tail end of his run – his work in the short space of continuity that Marvel dubbed “The Heroic Age”, with the relaunch of adjectiveless Avengers following on from Siege – trying very hard to capture the look and feel of classic Avengers stories. There’s a sense that Bendis had blown everything apart and was now enjoying the opportunity to put it back togetherHis work in this space has a decidedly old-school feel to it. This is obvious from his choice of artists on adjectiveless Avengers. On New Avengers, Bendis collaborated with rougher and more modern artists like David Finch and Lienel Yu; on Avengers, he worked with more conventional old-school veterans like John Romita Jr. or Walt