The short story “Hunters in the Snow”, written by Tobias Wolff is introduced in a rather unique way. The three characters Frank, Tub, and Kenny seem to be friends in the beginning. However, throughout the progression of the story, their true colors are revealed. A number of different conflicts arise during the story and they are handled in an unusual way. The author, Tobias Wolff, intentionally has one character manipulate the others throughout the story, which may relate to survival of the fittest. In the short story, the protagonist Tub is mistreated as a fat character and is usually helpless when Frank or Kenny begin to call him names. Though, as the story progresses Tub becomes enraged with Kenny. Eventually, as Tub clashes with Kenny, he accidently shoots him in the waist as though to seek retribution. It becomes clear that Kenny is the antagonist who seems to cause the problems in the story. Ironically, …show more content…
Though throughout the story he manipulates Tub and Kenny to he reaches his own goal. The seemingly impervious character Frank had seemed to be good natured. Though as his secret is revealed about his love for a 15 year old babysitter by Kenny, his personality begins to change. While Kenny is bleeding due to the shot caused by Tub, Frank had proposed to take him to the hospital quickly. Though as they road to the hospital they had taken many stops. Eventually, Tub had caught on that Frank was manipulating Kenny until he bleeds to death and is really not going to the hospital. However, Frank had also been manipulating Tub; although it was in a friendly manner such as allowing him to eat as much as he wanted to try to make him his friend to gain his trust. In the end the author try’s to purposely place an ambiguous ending; however, it is obvious when Frank and Tub head to the opposite direction of the hospital which indicated that Kenny dies from blood