Character Analysis Of Kangaroo: Social Anxiety Disorder

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Kangaroo: Kanga is a single mother that possesses immense amount of love for her son. Her character nonetheless still epitomises a mental disorder, in this case ‘Social Anxiety Disorder’. Social anxiety is “the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people.” Studies have proven that Social Anxiety Disorder can affect approximately 7% of the population at any given moment. It has been acknowledges as the third largest health problem within society today. Kanga’s social anxiety is channelled through her son Roo. This is evident in the approach she has with Roo as she is overprotective to the point of not permitting Roo make decisions for himself and she has an unrealistic fear for Roo’s safety. Her social anxiety could have come about as she is a single mother and does not have a partner to support her. Therefore she clutches on to the only person she has, keeping Roo tucked away tight within her pouch. Rabbit: Rabbit is an apprehensive character who does not relax. He is a character who is constantly organising and re-organising his possessions therefore exhibiting the disorder of OCD. OCD sufferers often have symptoms of compulsions or obsessions and in some cases both. Obsessions create desires, repetitive thoughts or mental images that lead to anxiety, whereas Compulsions is where the individual has repetitive behaviours and a person that suffers OCD feels the need to respond to an obsessive thought. Therefore Rabbit does suffer OCD therefore he

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