
Character Analysis Of Mayella In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Mayella sat in front of Judge Taylor, as he asked her what she was afraid of. She pointed at Atticus, and told the judge that she was afraid of him. However, Atticus told her that she has no reason to be afraid of him just yet, and that they should get acquainted before acting harshly.

Mayella seemed to be on edge throughout the duration of the trial. She felt as if Atticus was mocking her and her words. Atticus, on the other hand, reacted calmly and questioned her gently. Although as Mayella answered, he started to harden his voice. He was no longer talking in a comforting tone, because Mayella would answer one of his questions, yet contradict herself as she answered the next one.

Atticus knew that his actions were getting to her. When he

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