Character Identity In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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A important part of Romeo and Juliet is character identity. The play Romeo and juliet is a romance that has many factors that affect its plot and how everything plays out. One key factor is character identity. This is a key factor because a part of the conflict is the character identities because the two main characters, Romeo and juliet, families have been fighting with each other for many years. Another reason gender roles are important in the play is because the story was written in a time in which men still controlled women and the play shows signs of that. In Romeo and Juliet, age plays a very large factor into the story’s development. This is shown when there is discussion of Juliet marrying Count Paris. The parents of Juliet are saying other girls younger than Juliette were mothers and that she is becoming a woman at fourteen. Her age puts pressure on her parents to get Juliete married. This is shown when it is stated “Younger than she are happy mothers made.” Lord capulet is talking about how some girls younger than his daughter are already mothers and he may be pressured so Juliete can become a mother soon. There is also some tension coming from Lady Capulet “My child is …show more content…

When the play was written gender stereotypes were enforced heavily but in this play there is some change and the women have more of a voice in Romeo and Juliet. This is shown when Friar Laurence says to Romeo “Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes." Friar Laurence is saying that all young men only like girls for their looks. While this is true for Romeo it may not be true for all men. Another gender-biased thing that Friar Laurence said “Young men’s love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes." He is referring to how Romeo is acting like a player and referring it back to all men. This affected the story because it made the guys in the story have a bad