
Who Is Capulet's Letter To Her Parents

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p.505#4: a) Capulet does not believe his daughter is ready for marriage at such a young age.When Paris hints at proposing to Juliet and asking Juliet’s father if he could have his blessing, Capulet explains why he wants to wait. “My child is yet a stranger to the world-/She hath not seen the change of fourteen years”(1.2.8-9). Paris says girls younger than her are having children, but Capulet believes marriage at such a young age can ruin a girl, or create a bad relationship. He could have used his own marriage to Lady Capulet as an example. b) Capulet believes his young daughter is his only hope in the Earth. She is all he cares about and wants to see her grow and stay happy. He does not want her to end up in a miserable marriage.

p.505#5: …show more content…

Where Capulet once wanted to fight the Montagues, he no longer does. One reason is he is heeding the Prince’s warning. The Prince said “If you ever disturb our streets again,? Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace”(1.1.82-83). Capulet does not want to start another brawl at a public party, and he doesn’t want the Capulet name to be at fault for the start of it. Second, Capulet has heard many positive things about Romeo even though his is a Montagu. Romeo arrived at the party peacefully, and has not caused a disturbance, so there is no need to start a fight. They are hosting a party, it is no place for a fight, especially with a well-mannered respectful boy he hears Verona talk of.

p.527#1: a) After the Capulets’ party Mercutio is making fun of Romeo for loving Rosaline. He talks about Rosaline’s beauty to try to exacerbate Romeo. In reply to Mercutio, Romeo mutters “He jests at scars that never felt a wound”(2.2.1). b) Romeo implies Mercutio has never been in love. He does not know how it feels to have his heart broken. If Mercutio has felt the way Romeo did then, he would not make fun of …show more content…

When Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio were in town, Tybalt showed up. Tybalt still wanted to duel Romeo as revenge for showing up to the Capulets’ party. Tybalt makes it very clear he wants to fight Romeo, but Romeo refuses.He says “Tybalt, the reason I have to love thee/ Doth much excuse the appertaining rage”(3.1.49-50). Tybalt is not yet aware of Juliet’s and Romeo’s marriage , and though Romeo loves Tybalt since they are now kinsman, Tybalt doesn’t know that. b) Mercutio decides to fight Tybalt for Romeo. Mercutio saw Romeo’s refusal to fight as a sign of weakness and cowardice. Tybalt wanted a fight and Mercutio was going to give him

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